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When she had the June meeting Cathy pulled a few small 1/4 pieces off the huge green Sarco she had in her display ..... well when I got home I went to glue it on to a rock but my powerhead blew in out of my hand and I didnt see where it went .... I knew it blew somewhere under a rock and would surely die ... So I wrote it off completely .... well after Cass had so many problems with her sump I went to check all my lines leading to and from my tank .....guess what I found !!!:bounce1: ... Behind the largest piece of LR in my whole tank was a 5" tall green Sarco .... growing like a weed .... sometime this week I'm going to get my razor blade out and cut it loose to put in the front of my tank .... Somehow that little frag found its way into the only spot on that backside of the rock that my metal halides actually shine on ... Maybe I can sweet talk someone with a Camera to take a picture of it for me to post