Centerpiece Fish for 90 Gallon FOWLR


Active member
I have a 90 gallon tank that I'm going to setup as a FOWLR. I'd like to keep one fish as the centerpiece. The problem is, the fish I want will all outgrow a 90 (IE: Clown Trigger, Emperor Angel, Personifer Angel, etc) pretty quickly.

That said, I'm looking for suggestions... If you were to pick one fish for a 90 gallon, what would you choose?
Yeah I don't think a Tusk would work. Cool fish but I don't think a 90 would be sufficient and it's not my favorite to be honest. Same with a bristletooth tang.
You could do a pair of smaller lion fish, fuzzy or zebra or one of the medium sized lionfish radiata or antennata. Choosing a lionfish would limit tankmates though.
My "center piece" fish I guess would be my melanurus wrasse, biggest most active fish in the tank and really great looking. Definitely draws the attention of anyone looking at the tank.
I've got a dwarf lion 90g so I'm biased toward lions. But if I didn't have the lions, I'd consider a trio of leopard wrasse.
Will it have any tankmates?

I haven't decided yet. Originally, I was thinking of setting up the tank with one single fish, in order to have more options. I wouldn't have to worry about aggression, and I could theoretically keep a larger fish. The idea isn't set in stone, and I'm not in a rush to purchase something.

Thank you all for the suggestions so far.
For a solo fish the dogface puffer is a good suggestion. Im a fan of puffers. My favorite single occupant tank ever is a bimac octopus but they dont live long. I have a 75g sitting in my fish room that will be setup as soon as i see another octopus but they can be expensive to feed

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