As the title says, which one is more effective? I am not planning to build an ATS and a new one would be around $250 or so. If keeping chaeto in the refugium is enough, I am fine with it. Tank size would be around 135G + 50G sump.
Whats ats or uvla?
An ATS will normally grow ulva. Ulva is a faster metabolising algae, some say 2;1 verse cheato.
ATS are also very precise (or should be) in regards to light spectrum & intensity .... per square inch of growth screen, unlike a fuge where there is no specifics in this regard.
The algae on an ATS growth screen is fully illuminated where as the underside of the chaeto doesn't recieve direct light, & the middle of a larger ball of chaeto recieves reduced light.
I do read a lot of people having trouble keeping chaeto alive, of it being out competed by hair algae, & necessarily needing certain nutrients such as iron to grow & survive. I've never had trouble with my ulva growing, even when not dosing any specific elements, & with NO3 at zero & PO4 at 0.02
If you have a large enough area then cheato is so much easier, uses no power except the light, easier to maintain, less mess. I've used both and settle on a refuguim with cheato. I'ts the only filtration on my tank except for the occasional bag of carbon.
I do agree that ATS is more effective.
.Thanks for the responses. I think I will go with ATS. I had tried to grow Chaeto in the past in my sump with a red LED and it died in a few weeks probably due to lack of enough nutrients. I don't overfeed my tank at all.
Twinfallz, your overflow-fed scrubber sounds very cool! Can you post a link to show how that setup works?
I agree, ulva is very productive. Plus it can be recycled as herbivore food. Your photo in post #5 doesn't look like ulva. More like hair algae. It looks very effective!
I was also thinking on an overflow fed ATS. I've been working out the plumbing in my head.
Ah! Is it the ulva that grows in little tubes? I think Subsea has that. I've only heard of those two, but it makes sense there'd more. At the bottom of your pic, it looks hairy/fiber-y. Anyway, it looks to work well for you!
Ah! Is it the ulva that grows in little tubes? I think Subsea has that. I've only heard of those two, but it makes sense there'd more. At the bottom of your pic, it looks hairy/fiber-y. Anyway, it looks to work well for you!
Sounds like a very unique ulva! It makes sense that it would adapt its shape (phenotype?) to work well in a scrubber environment, adding to the difficulty in identifying it. I wonder if it would be pretty in a display like mine? Might be too invasive.