

New member
Okay, I think I am going to take my next step in my progression of reef keeping and try some chaetmorpha in my sump. I need some help in reducing my nutient levels. Everything I read is chaeto is the way to go. Everyone/anyone agree? If not what do you suggest? I would imagine the LFS sells it? I assume it is pretty cheap since it grows so fast?
Every time I went by memfish they were sold out of it. Made a post here and I got two clumps from two different sources(figured it would give me great pod diversity and meet a few fellow local reefers) and my water chemistry thanked me greatly. :)
Thanks Jay. I will take you up on that offer. I will call you tomorrow and you can let me know a day/time/place to pick it up that works for you....:bounce3:

Yes, Nick, I hope I can pass along my starter Chaeto from Jay after it gets going....I am glad to hear it really helps....I want anything that will help improve the water quality...
Purigen and phosban have both seemed like they've been a tremendous help. Ever since I started using those along with the chaeto the water looks as clear as air.
I admit to water chemistry overkill Marty. Algal turf scrubber + chaeto + + UV +phosban + skimmer. Don't use the ozone anymore though. Logiq, you'll find countless posts and articles featured on Reef Central concerning water chemistry as well as dozens of other topics. For specific topics just do a site search.
Okay, I had to cancel my trip out to Jay's last week, so I am back on my quest to find some cheato this weekend. I ordered some on line and it was barely enought for my two smaller tanks. Anyone need to thin theirs out this weekend? I called LFS and neither has any...
I have some.You could come by Sunday night if you like. I'd probably trim about a softball sized ball off.

Ive never heard of anyone buying it.How much was it?
Jon: I paid about five bucks for half a sandwich bag full. I had ordered some with a snail order. It is also all over ebay.

That would be excellent. I will PM you with my phone number and you can let me know what time and where.....thx
What is chaeto

Great Question; Glad you asked. (and Welcome to RC.)

Chaetomorpha is especially common in saltwater aquariums because it can be used for removal of nutrients, especially nitrates. Aquarists will commonly house this alga, perhaps with others, in a refugium. Once it has grown to a significant mass, a chunk of the algae is removed to be thrown out or donated to another aquarist, taking the nutrients it has absorbed out of the system. Chaetomorpha is preferred over other macroalgae such as Caulerpa because it is less likely than Caulerpa, to undergo sexual reproduction in the aquarium. It is also easy to remove because it will not attach to rocks or substrates. In a study run by Casey Campbell, it was shown that coal bed methane is filtered by chatomoropha, and is made for livible for Daphnia magna, and more research is being done it to its large scale use. In addition to nutrient export, chaetomorpha is known to host beneficial amphipods which can subsequently be used as a food source for corals and animals that may reside within the aquarium.

Source: Wikipedia (I'm actually not that smart. It's Green Hairy seaweed for the 'fuge!)