Changes to DRC


New member
I may be a little biased but I feel tonights meeting was one of the most productive since I have been attending. The major topic tonight was growing the club and officers. the motion was carried that we could do a better job of expanding the club if we had all of the board of directors positions filled. With 100% of the board present a vote was cast for Ted to become secretary which now includes IT, and Al to become president. This in no way takes away from the job Marty and Ken have done, but will enable them to give undivided attention to there respective positions.

Our main focus going forward will be local fish store involvement, improvements to the DRC website, and growing the DRC club.

I would like to thank Ken, Marty, Jon, Andy, Tom, Ted, Craig, and the rest of the DRC members who attended for the nomination and the great information exchange that transpired tonight. These are the basis of the club and are always present at the meetings to direct and help the club.

Thanks again, I look forward to hearing your ideas, please pm with any comments or suggestions.

The date and location for the next meeting was set and will be posted on the DRC website.
Thanks for doing such a fine job of hosting the meeting tonight Al. I too think it was the most fun. a little beer goes a long way to open people up and volunteer. I am happy to pass on the lead to someone with the proper enthusiasm to carry us forward. With more participation from all we can do a lot more. and have a lot more fun too. So now i can concentrate on my duty of solicting raffle stuff and sponsor participation.

And I am happy we have elected Ted Webmaster, for he has been doing a fine job for all of us. and will make things even better in the future.

I see great things coming in the future of the club. Keep up the good work guys, and congratulations.

Thanks again for hosting, Al. It was good to see everyone in a different setting.

Joe (official member since 12/16/07)
I agree Al. Thank you again for hosting what I feel was the most beneficial meeting I have experienced in my little time of being a part of the DRC. I would love to have us grow the club and become something that people are truly inspired to come out and attend meetings for. I am also more than willing to offer my assistance and experience wherever needed todo my part to help the club move forward.

It was great getting to see your tank and complete set-up.

Thanks again!!
Re: Changes to DRC

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11400046#post11400046 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by a1amap
... a vote was cast for Ted to become secretary which now includes IT, and Al to become president ...

Al, I just take (and present) the minutes. You're welcome to make the announcements. No worries! And, THANKS FOR HOSTING!

For the record (well, the parts that I remember), we talked about a LOT of stuff. My intention is to get minutes onto the DRC site, but for now, this thread will suffice. We talked about (in no particular order, and some things, repeatedly) the following:
- A new sponsor page (on the site) with different levels/types of sponsors
- A new members page
- Filling out the officers for 2008, which Al has already announced.
- Website improvements
-> A members only forum area, on our site.
-> Future possibility of dues payment with paypal
- Incorporation
- Revamping the membership form
- Advertising in LFS

We also took a few action items out of the meeting:
- Sponsor Page - Ted to take first cut and PM link out for review.
- Members Page - Ken/Marty to forward a list of current members to Ted for incorporation into site.
- Incorporation - Al looking into liability issues.
- Membership form - Marty.
- Advertising Brochure - Jon (?).
- Website Improvements - Ted (but will keep Andy and Jon on standby for help).
- Edit of bylaws for Secretary position description. We discussed adding IT to the responsibilities of the Secretary. Ted will take a swing at that and present @ the next meeting.

If anyone remembers some other things, feel free to add it here or PM me.

- ted
Sounds good Ted, thanks for the post. I think Andy was going to put together the brochure, but him and I will be getting together this week to work on a different website and we will knock that out at the same time. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. I am out of school for the year and even when I leave for my trip I'll have my lap top and cell with wifi.
Great to see you guys getting DRC moving. I know a couple of you and would like to offer the assistance of the DVRC (Delaware Valley Reef Club). If we can help in anyway please let me know.

Hopefully, our clubs can have a joint mtg or some kind of gathering in the future.

DVRC Secretary...