Changing substrate


New member
Has anyone changed there substrate on a existing tank? If so how did you do it ? I have crushed coral bottom about 1" think. I would like to go with sand because all my substrate is turning purple. So do you think just adding sand on top or should I remove it completely? Also how do you add sand without creating a sand storm in the tank ?
I'm about to be in the same boat as you within the month I'm actually switching from sand to crushed coral my MPs keep making my tank look like a Barebottom tank. instead of a sAndstorm I'm worried about pH spikes and alkalinity spikes
enough about me though I've seen and a method with the kids bucket that they play with on the beach fill it up with sand submerget and lift it up when it hits the bottom and the sand Wouldcome out with a minimal cloud affect
i have also used a piece of 1 1/2 pipe and a funnel. PVC goes all the way down to just above the sand bed and then funnel the sand down the pipe. comes out with minimal clouding of the water.
If you add sand to the crushed coral in a few weeks the crushed coral will be back. I removed all the sand once by removing it in sections. I vacuumed out 1 section per day for a few days to not disturb the eco system too much. Remember that stirring the sandbed can cause massive spikes so keep an eye on your phosphates, nitrates, and ammonia.