Changing Tanks Need Advice

johnny deluxe

New member
Hello there all..

I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with a wet dry sytem etc...I have just purchsed a 150 gallon tank with its own wet dry (twice as big as my cuurent wetdry). My goal is to switch the livestock from the 75 established to the new 150 gallon....I relalize that a drop in the bio load could kill the fish..I have two thoughts

1. Take the new wet dry and run it in tandum with my current wet dry on my 75 then after a month transfer the water,gravel, fish to the 150 and by then the 150 wet dry would have built up enough bacteria to sustain.

The other thought is to take my wet dry off my current tank and hook it up to the 150 and run the two filters off of that tank, but i feel that the smaller wet dry wont be able to sustain the larger tank/bio load....

I am unsure either way, also its important to note that when i do make the change my 75 has half the amount of crushed coral and half the amount of water needed for the 150, this to makes me worry about the bio load.....

as far as live stock there is no live rock, and 3 tangs, 2 clowns and a foxface

any help would be welcome!!!!

Take some of the media that is in the Wet/dry filter that is running and use it in the new wet/dry filter. This will help seed it. Also go with sand instead of crushed coral, a lot of stuff get stuck in the crush coral and just causes higher nitrates in your tank.

Here is a product that works really well and it will help you cycle your new tank and let you add your fish right away. It's called Nitrex and it converts over nitrites and ammonia into nitrates, which aren't bad to fish. This will give you wet/dry time to build up it's biology filter which will take over from the Nitrex. Bein using it from over 25 years without any problems and setup 100's on tanks.

