Cheap solution for feeding zoanthids


New member
I want to start spot feeding my corals. I keep mostly Zoanthids and Ricordea. I want a cheap solution. I'm thinking some blended silversides, bloodworms, shrimp, and maybe some phyto. What do you think?
I don't think you need to spot feed Zoanthids, nor do I believe they'll benefit from it. As far as I know, they don't "feed" in the same sense that a lot of corals do. At times, they'll close up, around food, but I believe it's more because they're irritated.
You do not really have to feed your zoas. You can't get any cheaper than that :). I do have success in a faster growing rate by feeding the bigger palys some mysis or blackworms. I also did feed nightmares itty bitty pieces of scallop and saw them take off. But cheapest way? Just make sure they get the proper lighting and flow.
I know feeding isnt required. My corals have lived years with minimal to no feeding. I want to start because i think they will grow faster. I just dont want to spend 100 on something i can make for 20.
Not every zoa and paly will show a visible feeding response. You will have to try different foods. My old nightmare colony would not touch chopped shrimp, mysis or blackworms but showed a feeding response to scallops. I do not buy food for them directly but save some pieces when I make food for myself :).
IMO, I see a benefit in feeding my zoas and palys. I feed a homemade blend that includes zooplex, phytoplex, copepods, mysis, and reef snow. The proteins and vitamins in the mix are prevalent in the water for the smaller zoas to benefit from as well as the larger pieces for the palys the eat. I have growth in my tank that many other zoa and paly keepers in my area don't have and often keep other people's slow growers in my tank to spark their growth. I have three fish in my frag tank but I don't believe their waste alone is the primary reason for my zoa keeping success. Every body's tanks are different and what works for me may not work for you but just keep in mind that you are adding more food to your system so be prepared to up your water changes to keep your water clean. Give it a shot and see if it works for you. I don't see a harm in feeding. That's my two cents.
my paly's eat like pigs but i dont feed them .they catch whole or chpped mysis and all the other frsh stuff i purree which is=fresh clam mantle,clam eggs,lobster eggs,wild caught grass shrimp shell on,grass shrimp eggs,fresh lobster eggs ,live pods,green water/phyto,fresh oyster mantle and eggs,wild caught siversides,wild caught musscles.the grass shrimp are a salt water form of ghost shrimp.i catch them all in the estuaries or ocean i live by you cant beat that kind of freshness.i keep paly's in high current so when i feed my fish and corals they catch and filter feed all of this.
I usually just mix up teaspoon of Phytofeast and a teaspoon of Rotifeast in a shot glass with some tank water. Then I'll spot feed them with a turkey baster once a day in total it takes me less than 5 minutes to feed the tank and that's including the cube of Mysis for my fish/duncans and pinky nails worth of Nutramar Ova that keeps my mandarin fat and happy.
Cheapest ($20,00) and good?
Keeping the water "clean"?
Coral Frenzy.
I've tried many coral foods before and they love Coral Frenzy.
Great response and growth.
Please keep in mind that all the other params should be good for them to show any difference after feeding.
Turn off the pumps and target feed.

You can take a look here for more...

Yeah, Roti Feast, I got nothin'.

Z's and P's DO NOT GROW in my tank. Period. :(

Any tank with the minimum for the corals will have zoas with some growth and reproduction. Please review your basics. Check your parameters and try to see what you're doing wrong.
You'll find.

The cheapest solution for feeding zoanthids is to not feed zoanthids, they definitely don't need it :)

Actually, the statement above would be the best to answer the question!!!!

Yes, zoas don't need to be fed. You're right. About 98% of it's energy probably comes from the zooxanthellae.

I found polyp stimulation and a bit of speed on their growth, when I feed the right food.
Excess will have the opposite effect because of the water quality. Specially when adding too much of liquid invert food in the system.

We need to be careful when feeding zoas/corals, but they actually like a target treat once an a while.

Difference between target food and fish poop?
Target food will feed them a good quantity of nutritious particles at once.
Fish poop will feed only a small number of polyps and most of it is by absorption. I never saw a zoa feeding on fish poop yet. The poop stays on them for a while and they don't grab.
If you feed them for example Coral Frenzy, they will actually close, grabbing the particles and swallowing them after a while.
Fish poop has low nutritional value, compared to a quality/balanced/target food, I believe.

It's an option too. All good.:thumbsup:

But yeah, you're right, we don't really need to feed zoas to have them with good health and happy for a very long time...

Another truth: zoa growth and reproduction don't depend only on feeding (lights or target feeding).


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Oyster Feast and rotifers could give you some algae problems.
Avoid to feed too much of that.
Try to use some dry coral foods every other time you feed them.
Most of the quality dry coral foods will be better in the long run.

Here's a way to feed many corals in your tank, and it's free! Take a turkey baster and baste your rocks. Not only is it good for the corals it keeps your rock detritus free!