Cheapest place to get a large aquarium online?


New member
Wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this, but it's a pretty general question.
I'm planning on getting a larger tank next month (100-150g) and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good affordable tank supplier online (I'm in the US.)
I'm just looking for a basic tank. I don't need any kits or stands.
I'll be captain obvious, but have you looked at used tanks on CL locally? There are always some deals where people just need to get rid of their tank for various reasons.
Your local fish store may get tanks cheaper than any place online..
Try them..
I got a Deep Blue tank for much cheaper than any advertised online price through my local fish store..

Another source besides the ones listed above..
Sorry everyone the tank I was speaking of was Seaside Aquatics not SCA, my bad
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Double there price? You mean to say that the 150 tank use to be 425? How can you state that the factory sent out this tank when you bought it used? Lots of ways a tank could be damaged like that. Don't think I would bash a company without all the facts.
Back when I was looking, a standard 120g with unfinished stand was going for about $400 at a LFS. This was a non-reef ready, black trim tank.

Seaside Aquariums had a 120g PNP system for around $1000. Eurobraced 3 side low iron and brand was Aqua Japan. SCA often have a DotD/M thing going. I saw their 120g (tank only) was going for around $800 during one of these deals.