In Memoriam
I have been keeping cheato for 5 years now but lately it has begun to turn white on top and dye.....I have lost 2 whole colonies this way now. This cheato is in a mud refugium with moderate flow, with 100 watts of pc's on it. My paremters are in check... nitrates 0, phosphates 0, alk 9.0, ph- 7.9-8.1 , calcium 500, magnesium 1250, strontium 20.... I am also getting a brown hair algae in my tank....... I have not fed my fish in 4wks..... I just did a 30% water change, my RODI TDS is 0...... what the heck is going on??? Algae where I don't want it.... and no algae where I do want it. There must be some sort of nutrient in my tank for the brown to grow....... almost like brown fine hair........ cheato is p*ssing me off. Any suggestions guys??? Oh my flow is iwaki 70rlt as a return pump..... 2 seio 820's and 2 maxi jets in a 75 gallon tank. Thinkin about tearing the whole thing down and cleaning the hell out of it and putting rock back in bare bottom. Any advice would be appreciated.