Chem levels are out of wack HELP!

Regular water changes are always a fine idea, but I wouldn't do them to correct calcium and alkalinity problems. In this case, I'd just let the alkalinity decline on its own, and calcium will also come down a small amount. Just don't dose anything until the alkalinity is down a bit.

FWIW, I recommend 125-200 ppm CaCO3 equivalents (2.5-4 meq/L; 7-11 dKH) for alkalinity. Forget the kit recommendation, it is wrong.
I need to clarify that. The water has been in there a while. Snails have been in there since december and fish/corals were added last week.
I change 20 gallons of water a month in my 125. You'll find a lot of different approaches to water changes, but I can advise you to do monthly water changes. I do 20 gallons because that's how many containers I've got. Some people will tell you more, some less, some don't change water. I think it's easier to do a water change than try to add trace elements with an additive. After the tank is stocked the water changes will pull out waste products and add the trace elements.