Chem Marins stop parasite


New member
Has anyone used this product for ich. I have a 29 gal and I am getting ready to start up a bigger tank. My LFS said a small yellow tang would be fine in my tank for 6 or 8 months because of his size. I went against my better judgement and got it. Now he is scratching like crazy on the LR. I added chem marins stop parasite. Its supposed to put a slime coat to repel the parasite, but I see no visible signs of ich. HELP
I'd chill on the chemicals and instead focus on improving water quality (daily 5% changes for the next 2-3 wks), increase feeding (24hr nori, plus 5-6 feedings per day of high quality flake or pellet for herbs), drop the salinity to 1.017 (not low enough to kill the ick, but low enough to ease resp. stress), remove any tankmates that are bothering the tang, and buy a bigger tank asap (just being a tank that sml can be stressful for tangs).

Of course, you could just return the tang and get something that will do better in yoru tang, like a dwarf angel, or a pair of tank raised clowns.

If you keep the tang and it survives the ick, be ready for some HLLD that will show up in a few months. And, remember never to listen to anything this LFS tells you ever again. It's not a myth that tangs don't do well in sm. tanks. While the experts may argue all day about what is small for a yellow tang, 99% of the people who have kept YTs will agree that a 29gal is small and not a good setup for a beginer. Always make things easy on yourself, don't go looking for a challenge (i.e. lets see if I can jam this fish into a small tank) - newbies that try to break rules spend lots of time and money trying to save sick/dying fish that show poor color and are no fun to watch. Get an easy to keep fish (like TR marron clown) and get it big and fat and impressive to look at. Leave the skinny, pale, sick tangs to the LFS display tanks.
I have used chem marines stop parasite in my 125 aggressive reef. It's an awsome product. It also worked in a friends tank . So as far as I know its 100%

5 days . with an optional follow up dose once a week. Didn't you ask about this product a few weeks ago on salt water fish ?

No water changes untill the end of the week. after that reinstall the carbon filters and do a regular water change. It's my opinion that you should do a once a week dose too.

It's up to you. I don't run carbon in my system unless there is a need to pull something out of the water . I just basically let the skimmer and fiber filters do all the work.

I'm using the Chem-Marin too, but i just started it last night along with melafix for any seconday infections and to double up that slime coat :D I'm kinda keeping a diary of it over on one of my threads and i guess i will see if it works.