Chemi Pure

Yes its mostly carbon. I like it. Just make sure you rinse it off b4 you put it in. It has a lot of carbon powder. Rinse till water becomes clear.
Wel I used to use it.

It is a really great product. But I found a better product a few months ago and it works great.

Seachem Purigen, I buy the one in the bag. You can renew the purigen many times. Its original color is white when it gets heavily used it turn into brown. When its brown just place it in bleach for 24 hours (now its white again) after that place it in distilled water for another 24 hours. After you're done with all that you can place it back in the filter and it will work great again.
Chemi-pure and Purigen are TOTALLY different things. Chemi-pure is just Boyd's brand of carbon, so it just absorbs minerals and stuff from the water, does whatever carbon does, but Purigen is to absorb nitrate, nitrite, and prolly ammonia too from the water column. I used it in my nano for the longest time because I always had nitrate problems for the first year. Now that it's settled out, I just keep a bag in there anyway, and keep a bag or two in my 120, even tho it hasn't had a nitrate problem in months too.

Now phosban, that's a whole other beast....
Devindman, are you sure it removes phosphate? I saw that it has chemi-clean in it, which is their stuff for removing red cyano, but is that the stuff that absorbs PO4 then?
Best phosphate remover out there I've heard is RowaPhos, but it's either almost twice as expensive as PhosBan, or it is twice as expensive as PhosBan. I'm using Phosban, and my salifert test kit shows a lot of phosphate, but I don't have any algae problems at all, and I also skim very wet on a very efficient skimmer for that size tank (ER 8-2 w/ sedra 9000, old style impeller). I've also got 1 tang, a foxface, and bunch of snails and mythax crabs, so they could be why I don't have an algae problem too. I also havn't had any nitrates either. Just phosphate. Maybe I should have someone else, or a store or something test it to double check.

I just went and looked at a couple of vendor pages and they claim the Chemi-pure Elite does in fact remove Phosphates also.

Cool. I'm definatly thinking of picking some up next time I've got to refill my second phosban reactor. I use 1 reactor of PhosBan, and the other reactor with Chemi-pure in it. I always run the PhosBan after the Chemi-pure because there are rumors of people finding that the chemi-pure was letting out phosphate, so if they are true, then at least i'm catching it. Next time though, no worries if I go with the Chemi-pure elite!
sweet. Glad that you're having success with it that quickly. I kinda gave up testing for phos, because it always showed .75, which is ridiculously high, and I've got NO algae problems in my tank, and my corals grow like crazy too. I test it and so does my g/f who loves that whole "chemistry" thing, and it comes out the same every time. Maybe my salifert kit is bad?

Oh well. awesome that it had that big an impact already!
Certainly the best product out there.
Phsoban works great! I have had it in my aquarium for 24 hours and it has made a huge difference! Thanks
Seems to quick in my experience ROWAPHOS YES-It has the largest absorption ability of any phosphate product and will not leak back in to the water.

I like chemi-pure. I recently started using the new one (chemi-pure elite) that also removes phosphate.
I run carbon 24/7 and change it monthly- for water quality and to avoid some of the warfare that may be produced by the litlle amount of softies i have. Any good carbon will do.
As far as Elite I have no experience but at the same time no phos in my system anyways. No experience with the elite product.
As long as u run some u should be ok.
Thanks, I am very happy with the product and how quick it worked. I also had some cyanobacteria on the sand bed. Not thats gone too. 24 hours. Man that stuff really works.
I use RowaPhos for Phosphate removal, but only when needed which is very rare, only when I slack on water changes.

I use both chemipure and purigen in all of my tanks. Regardless of size or inhabitants. Chemipure is mostly carbon but it probably some of the best stuff I have ever used. Purigen also helps remove nutrients and is great for water polishing too.

I have a Fluval Canister Filter which is packed with Filter Floss, Filter Pads, Chemipure, Purigen, and a tiny Bit of Rowaphos. I run it whenever my water needs a little polishing or after I stick my hands in the tank in case any chemicals got into the water column.
I run carbon 24/7 using the chemipure elite and I change out once a month. I cannot say anything but positive things about this product.