Chili Coral (Alcyonium sp.) Information?


Has anyone had any experience with these corals? I have did a bit of research but need to have a little bit more insight into them since there is little documentation about these guys. My main concern is when the polyps open up, how much space is required, a photo would do wonders. If you do have one, what are the light/food/tank placement that you use? Thanks.
Moderate flow and mid to low lighting if you have metal halides. They open their polyps at night to feed but I don't believe they use sweepers (I haven't seen any from mine) and they are a peacfull coral. Mine was parked next to one of my leathers with no issues. I love mine and the red color is a nice contrast to everything else in my tank. Good luck.
They do best in caves or overhangs, even better if you can mount them up-side down.
Much like tubastrea, they do well when fed often.
No sweepers. Very nice looking.
Thanks for the info. I am still pondering of what my 1st purchased coral is going to be. I don't think I will be getting this guy, thanks again.
I wanted to get one but everything I read said "advanced" or "expert" aquarist only. Are they really that sensitive? Like EricinFl, I would love the color contrast in my tank.
Yes it's an awesome color coral. I also thought of getting one but heard they are hard to keep.