chiller charged in DE?


New member
Anyone no where to get a chiller converted fro R12 to R134A and charged in DE? Or anyone have a chiller they want to get rid of?

Moon services in Newark will do it. i have a 1/3hp aqualogic drop in that im not using but it needs a charge
probably just a bad O ring. where are you in De? i dont know what i would want for it, ill get back to ya
north wilmington. if you interested in it ill get it fixed. thinking about it i really dont want to sell something thats not working properly.
Well let me know either way I may be interested. Gonna check with moon tomorrow about mine but its only a 1/4 so was thinkin your 1/3 might be a little better, except yours is a drop in and mine is a pass through. So I dont know...

Let me know. U can also email me at

Well after $79.00 for Moon to "look" at my chiller. They told me it had a leak. (gee like I didnt already know that, sealed units dont normally loose there charge without having a leak!) and it would be another $360.00 for them to find it and recharge the unit. Hmmm think ill pass. Anyone no of anyone else a little more reasonable?

Thats probably close to what your going to pay anywhere Greg. A lot of the price charge is taking out the old refrigerant which is very costly.

If you have any friends that do any HVAC work you might be able to beer them..... I mean talk them into hooking you up for a reasonable offer.

There is a little more to the switchover also. Oil adding, new o-rings, stuff that sounds minimally invasive but costly. You might be able to find out how to do it online? DIY?

In a pinch you might even be able to check someplace like Jiffy-Lube who also do that type of work for cars, just to at least get a secondary price. It can't be any different than a car.