Chiller Question


New member
I have a Pacific Coast CL-300 I just bought, and I can't find what heater I can plug into it. Any idea what it will support?
You should be able to run an element off of it that will pull up to about 7-8amps total, which would cover up to, and just a little over a 500w heater. I will confirm this on Monday just to be sure though.
You could do that, but you'll have to run a splitter off of the built in controller since it's a single plug. Are you running any other controller right now?
Nope. Not until I have some bucks for the Apex. We talked about that last week when I ordered my ATI lol. Still have an old DC8, and want a controller, just don't need one yet. When I get a little ahead will grab an Apex and reuse the DC8.

Till then thought the dual stage controller in the chiller would do. Would rather have 2 heaters than 1 is all
You would be just fine then. You will just need a splittler coming off of the plug-in port for the heater that is built onto the chiller. :)