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What is a very small chiller that would be good for a system around 40-50gal i need to drop the temp anywhere from 5-8 degrees does anyone have one or can point me to one that is not to terrably expensive
IIRC the Iceprobes will only affect a 1-2 degree drop per probe on a tank of your size. A compressor style chiller is really the way to go. if you look around one can be had locally for about $500 new or $300 used, but I doubt there will be many used chillers for sale this time of year with summer right around the corner.
Have you just tried putting a fan or two over the sump or the water surface? That really did it for me, but you may want it colder.
I set up a Reefkeeper with temp probe for fan at 79 degrees and JBJ 1/10 chiller at 80 with heaters at 78.8 Rock solid to one degree and chiller seldom comes on and only July-August, since I'm on swamp cooler and house gets to 85-87 then. This is a 54 with 2-150 watt HQI MH. JBJ is in living room and really quite. We also have one in bedroom and can't hear it either.
i think the inline is more efficient, and since its plumbed in, you don't have to put it right next to the sump.
I am using a Pacific Coast chiller and have been very happy with it. 1/6 hp motor that keeps my 60g cool at 75 degrees. A chiller is a must in AZ (I think?). For me, it definately is a must. I know they cost a preaty penny, but I had not choice and wanted a good reliable one. There are many on the market that have a fairly poor track record as far as failures. I have a friend in CA who ownes a Marine Fish store who sells a lot of them (chillers) and over the years, he has never had to return any of the Pacific Coast chillers he sells.

I use a 1/10 Arctica chiller from JBJ it is very quite and cools my tank very well. I think it is one of the best on the market. Check it out.
We have a Custom Sea Life 1/4 hp for sale. It is currently running on our 125 gallon reef but we are looking to upgrade to a jbj. I think there are pictures in our gallery of it. LMK.
turn the temp in your house down a few degrees and make sure the tank is not by an outside wall. You saw my tank and I do not use a chiller and the MH are pretty close
Our tank is downstairs in the middle of the house against a stair closet wall and we still need the chiller. We have 3 MH about 10" from the water. The chiller has only had to come on maybe 3 times this winter (if you can even call it winter) for just a few minutes each time. Summertime is a whole different story and we keep our house at 75 - 76 degrees and there is no sunlight hitting the tank. I agree.....peace of mind is priceless.