Chromis Article Clarification


New member
Just wanted to start off by saying I've been a big fan of the Fish Tales articles from the beginning! There was one thing I was hoping could be clarified. In the first sentence of the first paragraph it states: (bolding mine)
Last month I discussed one of the four subfamilies of Pomacentridae, the always-lovable Clownfishes.
while the first sentence of the second paragraph reads: (bolding still mine)
One of the 28 subfamilies of Pomacentridae is Chrominae.

I want to make clear I'm not trying to be some snarky nitpicker here. I'm simply curious to know if I'm misreading something and, if not, which of the two statements is correct. I'd appreciate the clarification. Thanks!
oops :eek:

you are not nitpicking, that is a typo. thanks for catching that for us. fwiw, there are 4 subfamiles and 28 genera.

thanks for the kind words regarding the column and helping spot a typo!
