Went to my LFS and they had this fantastic beauty! However no one knew what type of clam it is. I have a 70w Sunpod . Any info for this clam would be helpful ex, care level, lighting anything at all.
Care should be the same as for other clams I would imagine. If it is smaller than 3" I would feed it. If not then just give it plenty light and some decent flow. I personally have some small 2" clams that I do not feed and they have been doing really well.
Someone said it looked like a T. Squamosa. But I am curious with that spot feeding comment. What type of foods do you spot feed a clam. I once read that they can choke.
You can spot feed it phytoplankton such as DTs or DR Gs. It doesn't take much. I had a clam long ago that I spot fed and all I did was take a plastic container and poke a hole through the bottom large enough for a turkey baster to go through. Then just cover the clam with the cup and squirt the baster over the clam. Let it sit there for a few mintues and then you are done. I used DT's phyto when I did this.
I only did this with one clam the otehrs i have that were just as small I do nothing for them except give them some good light and flow. They do fine on their own.
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