Clam pics


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Meet the clams.




The famous squamosa.


And finally a shot of the group.

Ive had the blue squamosa since 2000. I got it at a pathetic excuse for a LFS for $25ish, it was about 2 inches. Now it is around 9 inches. I think it is in its teens because it is growing like mad. Since august it has layed down an inch of new shell and DOUBBLED in weight.
sweet! i need to find me a blue squammy:eek1: someday when i get my new lights...:rollface:
Incredible clams! Are the blue squamosas available anywhere online, or do you have to get lucky and find one at a LFS? Thanks.

weefishman said:
Incredible clams! Are the blue squamosas available anywhere online, or do you have to get lucky and find one at a LFS? Thanks.


They are not available online or anywhere else. I like to say i have the only one in the country. It is probably not true but it explains your chances of finding one fairly accurately.
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Yah, I was pretty sure that they were extremely uncommon, but I happened upon this post and another by someone who has one in the same day. I was hoping they were becoming available. Thanks for the info.

there was one for sail in St. Louis about 6 months ago it was about 4 inches but they wanted a cool 300 for it i thought that was rediculus but it was gone in 3 days wish i had the cash, and my tank had not been cycling or i would have bought it in a heartbeat
$300:eek2:! Wow! Think I'd prefer the "25ish" ;). Guess you gotta find a LFS that doesn't realize what they have. Still, beautiful clam!

no kidding and for 25!! i am NEVER that lucky - quick question tho, does a blue squamy need the high end lighting like maxi's and crocea ?
This place has a 8" hybrid squamosa/maxima with blue spots
aquarium solutions

Acro - You must be very happy raising that itty bitty blue squamosa to the giant happy clam it is today.
I think all the nice Squamosas are hybrids with Max.
If you look at J.Sprung's Book Invertebrates:A quick reference guide, he shows a pic of a great Squamosa, which he refer as a Max x Squa hybrid.
I dive often in the Red Sea and see Squmosas like the one in aquarium solutions, since there are Blue Max in the Red Sea, it might really be a hybrid.

However, I will really appreciate if anybody can find a Blue Squamosa, tks
TiGs said:
This place has a 8" hybrid squamosa/maxima with blue spots
aquarium solutions

Acro - You must be very happy raising that itty bitty blue squamosa to the giant happy clam it is today.

Hey, that place is using my picture of my clam. They are going to get a really nasty email tonight.
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That is definitely the same picture. And they did not ask permission to use it? I would send a nasty email too.