Clam Question


New member
I have a 75 gallon with 4 110w VHO lights. 2 white/2 blue. Would I be able to keep clams and if so, what kind? Also, what about placement? Thanks for any help you can give!
I would stick with Squamosa and/or Derasa clams. They are lower light loving clams and will do fine under PC/VHO lighting.

Maxima & Crocea clams are found higher up in natural reefs so they require stronger lighting such as MH's or very strong VHO's. I've seen a lot of tanks that keep healthy Maximas under VHO's but the Maximas are higher up on the rockwork and closer to the surface.

I have a Squamosa clam on the sandbed in my 75 gallon reef tank with 4-95 watt VHO bulbs, 2 - Super Actinics and 2 - Aquasuns. I also have an Actinic NO bulb that I currently don't use. The clam has been thriving and has almost doubled in size.

Clams that are below 3 inches will require regular feedings oh phytoplankton since they don't rely on light much. This is why you see a lot of Maximas in nano tanks with PC lighting. However, once they reach 4"+ they will start relying on light more so then phytoplankton.

Rock Anemone:D