Clam Sex?


New member
I think one of my clams just spermed my tank. I woke up this morning and my tank had an translucent film that was pretty thinck on it. So i tried to net off as much as possible. it Broke into a bunch of small pieces, because of my powerheads, and it blew all over the tank. skimmer is going razy right now and the clowns are in their respective anems. Wish i had time to do a water change, hopefully i can get to it tonight.
Things look good on the aquatic front now. I'm hoping it was not sexing due to poor water quality and a strugle for survival, but due to good water qualuity and plans to raise a family there :). all in all i think my canister filter and skimmer cleaned it up good. I'm probably going to brave tank maintenace until sunday when i do regular maintenance.

Unless there is an orgy again tonight :)