Clams and T5


When I completed my tank reorgnization this summer, I could not put my two clams in the tank with MH lighting due to the fish that I can not get out of that system. (Still trying- maybe someday!)

So the clams went to live in the 46 gallon BF with 322 watts of PC and 90 watts of VHO. The maxima I placed about 4 inches from the top and the dersa is about mid way down in the tank. The dersa is grownig and doing great. The maxima is doing okay - I even noticed a little growth. I also feed them twice per week. This was only to be temporary situation, but I am going on six month now........................

I need to start thinking about bulb replacement. I would love to go with MH again, but I have a center brace in that tank and I do not have enough electricity for dual MH (I think). So I was thinking of going with T5.

Anyone keeping healthy growing clams under T5?

Oh you know, clams=MH right? My tank is all T5HO. the specs are below. These have been under T5s for 4+ mos


This pix shows the growth on s crocea that at the time had beenunder T5s for one and a half months
yeah, they do. my croceas actually extend the best, or were, I've got a %$@$% asfur that's started nipping and all my clams are uh, clamming up. I've gotta get that thing out of there. I'm trying to take pix from above w/the underwater housing
BTW, I don't want anyone to misunderstand. When this tank was first conceived, I never thought I would stick clams in there. Hence the Asfur Angel that I've got problems w/right now. However, I got bit by the bug.... It started w/a squamosa, then a thing I knew there are like 13 or so in my tank. I'm sure my growth would be better w/250 DE MH, and possibly my extension, but the clams do grow and maintain color under the T5s. So far so good. and I don't have any heat issues from my lighting. BUT for instance, I'm setting up an office nano that'll be sps and clams and it's gonna get a small MH over the top....
Your growth looks very good. I have good growth on my Dersa but not my maxima. I also have a center support in the 46 gallon bowfront so a single MH is a problem. I am still am unsure what to do. My lights are aging so I have to make this decision soon!

The fish that is the problem is an overgrown coris wrasse. (Big mistake I should have NEVER put him in the system when I switched out of the 55 into the 125!) But live and learn. I have the trap back in the tank and I am working on catching him again!

Thank you for the advice!

I know of people who recently switch from VHOs or PCs to T5s and they say that the T5s are a lot brighter and the corals anre doing better and getting better color as well, so i am pretty confident that the clams would do well under T5s. One of the people who i know were keeping clams under PCs are now keeping them Under T5s and they are doing just fine.