

New member
I have 2 clams in my tank 1-maxima, 1-squamosa (maybe the wrong spelling) the maxima is about a 5" and the squamosa a 2"
can anyone comment on how to feed these. I have been told the larger of the 2 will be fine but I need to start feeding the smaller one. Thanks
If can dose the smaller one with phyto every day to every few days you are good to go. You have to direct the phyto, because the rest of your tank will take in the phyto if you just dump it in.

The bigger one can live off of the light you provide.
If you have the light I would not really worry about feeding, but a drop of Phyto Max every day would give him some food to eat. Keep in mind though that phyto has a lot of phospate, if you have and doubts about that, just look at how they grow it.

If you put the smaller one in a bowl and bring it to the surface to feed you can insure it's the only one to get the phyto. Live phyto best. You'll be amazed at how fast a clam that size can turn the water from green to clear. Great filter feeders.