clean 6100 with driver alarm


New member
Hi Roger,

I have a 6100.10 that began sounding the alarm. After a thorough cleaning I can get it to run flawlessly, but once shut off and restarted the alarm sounds again. At this point, I can only get the alarm to stop sounding by manually applying pressure to and spinning the impeller before closing the housing and powering up again. I also notice the alarm sounds briefly as power is turned off. I opened the controller (7240.27) and it looks clean. No signs of water or fryed electronics. Any suggestions?
Usually this would be caused by the upper bearing sticking to the magnetic rotor, the rotor should spin freely on the upper bearing. Also make sure the oring is in place under the upper bearing. If it is above the bearing or missing this would also be a cause. Check the top thread on cleaning and alarms for a detailed break down of the parts.