Cleaner Shrimp Eggs


Premium Member
Was playing around with the camera today and noticed that the cleaner shrimp was carrying eggs.


I will try to catch the peppermint shrimp that is pregnant next. If I can I will post pictures of that as well :).

thanks again
I have only seen them in the tank once or twice. She is pregnant pretty much every other week or so and they just end up being food for the rest of the tank.
It is preety difficult to hatch those eggs. My cleaners were pregnant non stop. You can watch them release the eggs every so often into the tank. The only way I heard to breed those things is using the green water techniquie and for that you need to isolate the shrimps and have alot of phyto plankton not to mention the seperate tank.
I figure between it and the other 4 shrimp in the tank someone is always releasing food for the masses. I think my longfin cardinal fish have joined in the fun as well. Out of 3 one is now carrying eggs in the mouth about every 18 days or so. Its good to see the tank supporting itself and different organisms breeding. I don't use green water but use dried phytoplankton every day.
My pair lays eggs about one a month. Youll see all the fish go crazy when the release the eggs and little shrimp go swimming around. I doubt any of them survive tho.