Looking for Octopus Eggs

Hello everyone! I am currently searching for octopus eggs. I know this may be a challenging task, but I've decided to give it a go. I have a fully cycled 55-gallon saltwater tank, complete with live rock, sand, a protein skimmer, and more (the works). I am interested in any octopus species, whether they have small or large eggs, that would be suitable for a 55-gallon tank (I know this would mainly be dwarf species). I am currently a few months into studying Marine Biology and have a great passion for octopuses. I am hoping to find eggs for a school project as well as to raise as pets. Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
Can’t say I’ve ever seen octopus eggs for sale. I have seen cuttlefish eggs though

Oh good. I had seen some at a lfs that used to get octopuses in every once in a while.

I have had kept a octopus in the past. I will not anymore because their life span is very short.

They are pretty cool at first and everyone thought it was cool that saw him but after the newness wears off it is allot of feeding and cleaning of the tank. They are messy.

Just make sure they have a tight lid. They squeeze through anything and I mean anything and can figure out how to open stuff and they like to squirt water all over.

Honestly get a hold of Richard Ross he is a cephalopod expert. Not hard to find and active on some of the boards and FB. Goes by Thales on Forums.

I'm not sure how you are going to get that Lady Octopus to give you her eggs because they hold them pretty tight until they hatch .

I had these hatch in my tank many years ago. I was not successful at raising them but I was a lot stupider then than I am now, not that I am a genius but I "may" have a better time now raising them. I was feeding them adult brine shrimp which were the same size as the baby octopus. The octopus would grab the shrimp, wrestle with it and ink. Very cool to see these little spurts of ink all over the tank.

Oh good. I had seen some at a lfs that used to get octopuses in every once in a while.

I have had kept a octopus in the past. I will not anymore because their life span is very short.

They are pretty cool at first and everyone thought it was cool that saw him but after the newness wears off it is allot of feeding and cleaning of the tank. They are messy.

Just make sure they have a tight lid. They squeeze through anything and I mean anything and can figure out how to open stuff and they like to squirt water all over.

Honestly get a hold of Richard Ross he is a cephalopod expert. Not hard to find and active on some of the boards and FB. Goes by Thales on Forums.

Thank you for the link!