I have a 55g FOWLR tank in my classroom with a midas blenny, coral beauty, two clowns, and a chalk bass as well as some hermits. I had a cleaner shrimp but he went missing over the weekend. I don't feed my fish over the weekend since this is a tank at school, and I had taken Friday off so I think he died and then must have been devoured by the clean up crew.
I was wondering if anyone has any idea why the cleaner shrimp died? I want to get another cleaner shrimp so just looking to avoid the new one also dying. Here are my theories:
1. Is it possible that it starved to death? I'm always afraid of overfeeding so I only give the whole tank a half a cube of frozen food (alternate between mysis shrimp and angelfish food) per day 5x a week, plus sometimes some flake food. Does this seem like it's not enough? I haven't seen him molt in months.
2. Is it possible there is something wrong with the water? I also lost an urchin a few months ago. I just use tap water and add prime water conditioner, and let it sit for at least 24 hours before adding it to the tank. Wondering if I need an RODI but they seem excessive to me. I have heard you need to add iodine to water with a shrimp too, is this true?
3. Is it possible that my fish were hungry and ate him? My midas blenny is a total jerk and constantly nips at other fish.
I've had him for at least a year and a half so I suppose it could be old age. Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful thanks
I was wondering if anyone has any idea why the cleaner shrimp died? I want to get another cleaner shrimp so just looking to avoid the new one also dying. Here are my theories:
1. Is it possible that it starved to death? I'm always afraid of overfeeding so I only give the whole tank a half a cube of frozen food (alternate between mysis shrimp and angelfish food) per day 5x a week, plus sometimes some flake food. Does this seem like it's not enough? I haven't seen him molt in months.
2. Is it possible there is something wrong with the water? I also lost an urchin a few months ago. I just use tap water and add prime water conditioner, and let it sit for at least 24 hours before adding it to the tank. Wondering if I need an RODI but they seem excessive to me. I have heard you need to add iodine to water with a shrimp too, is this true?
3. Is it possible that my fish were hungry and ate him? My midas blenny is a total jerk and constantly nips at other fish.
I've had him for at least a year and a half so I suppose it could be old age. Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful thanks