Cleaning back glass


I was wondering how many large tank reefers constantly clean the back glass in their tank. And for those that do, how do you do it? If it's an inwall it would be pretty easy but if it isn't, it must be a chore.
Back glass?

Back glass?

Back glass? What back glass? :confused:

You mean there's glass back there? :lol:

Count me in with the lazy guys, praying for a good coralline coating... I just let nature run its course back there...

I am considering attaching a few montipora frags to the back wall in hopes of getting some plating toward the tank's interior to add a perception of even greater depth...

I keep mine clean. It is a chore that is for sure. I use a long algea scraper with the acrylic plastic head on it to knock off the majority of stuff. Then I use a new scotch brite sponge and scrub down the back. I have to repeat this about every 3 months or so.
Definately no cold feet here. I just wanted to get an idea how many people are keeping the back glass clean and how they did it. I will (try) and keep mine clean with a mag cleaner. I need to change the size of my ATO tank so I have room between it and the display for the mag.
Since I´m going glass, I think it shouldn´t be that hard to clean, just get a long handle scrapper with razor and it should be easy to clean wouldn´t it?.
I have acrylic with eurobrackets and its just really hard to do so, but I bet if its glass rimless then it will be easy.
I am in the middle of setting up a 300 and my "back" is 30 X 24. the other three sides have to be cleaned for viewing pleasure.