cleaning powerheads

Quickest, easiest and cheapest (IMO) is undiluted vinegar. Soak for a few hours and brush off the crud. Rinse well and you're done.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11404287#post11404287 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I would do 1:1 of vinegar to water

how long? Also do you run the ph while it soaks? How long of a fresh water bath?
Till it's clean. You'll probably need to scrub. I've seen most softer stuff soften up enough to easily brush off in an hour. The harder stuff like coralline or any coral that have grown on it (I've got pocillaporas on my powerheads) will take heavy duty scraping. Some coralline will actually just slide off if you rub it.

I wouldn't do the straight vinegar. There was a thread last week in the chemistry forum about it, but apparently the chemistry forum clears out any threads after like 40 threads or something, so it's gone now :(
100% vinegar for 1-2 hours and everything softens up so all you need is a toothbrush to get it off your powerheads. My Maxijets are 4-5 years old and I've been doing these cleanings since I've had them and no problems. I figure the saltwater that they sit in day after day is probably more harsh on them then a little vinegar! I take them apart as much as I can and let them sit (I don't run them). I rinse in freshwater, put them back together, let them run a minute or two in freshwater, then let them sit a while in the freshwater and change the water occasionally.