Cleaning the live rock?


New member
I am going to order around 100-150 lbs of live rock for my new tank within a year and was wondeing how do I clean this amount? When I have ordered small amounts for my other tank I have just put them in a bucket and scrubbed them. How will I clean 150 lbs?
Aqua'cluttered' rock has myth about it that it is clean.
But let's think about this a bit more in depth.
It is taken from the water and shipped mostly dry.
Massive die-offs occur inside the rock releasing nutrients.
As time goes by these nutrients leech into your system causing pest algae blooms.

Curing is a PITA but it is SOOOO worth it.
If you are a year out from setting up a new system, it affords you the PERFECT opportunity to order your rock a few months early and 'cook' it up and get a huge head start on a nice, clean system.
Where you can enjoy looking at your corals and not mats of green algae. At first all is well then it slowly begins. :(

To anyone setting up a new system, or even adding rock to an established system, Premium Aquatics highly recommends purchasing true cured liverock. What we do in our systems by curing rock fully and charging a little more for per lb greatly outweighs the negatives you can have down the road as far as unwanted algae blooms, or higher PO4/nutrient levels go. To anyone with old rock that is experiencing any problems with algae, etc.... "cooking" is an excellent method to rid this!
They would both be fully cured.

There is no need to "cook" any of our fully cured rock that we are sending out. It is extremely clean and healthy when it leaves our rock pools.
All the rock is shipping in wet paper right now. We have had excellent success doing this. In an overnight shipment in normal temperatures you can honestly expect extremely small amounts of dieoff, if any at all.