Cleanup crew for refugium?

Lots of pods, several different reproducing snails, micro serpent stars, spaghetti worms, and one fighting conch. Check out
I see they have Strombus Grazers. There are lots of positive comments in the forums about them. I had not heard of those before.
Get some! Strombus Grasers are the number one snail, in my opinion. Their small size means they can go where others can't - including up very narrow seagrass blades and into complex macro leaves. Plus they rapidly reproduce, to meet the algae supply. Very highly recommended! I have around a hundred in my 180.
They came in

everything was very much alive in the bags

i ordered the amphipod breeding kit, it's a large ulva mat with red graci, pods and pod food.

one nice thing about ipsf is that many of their items reproduce
Cool. Reproducing snails and pods are great CUC additions. The more diverse the better. Consider more snails like nerites and ceriths. Both reproduce as well. If your substrate gets enough algae growing on it, you may be able to add a fighting conch. Otherwise don't because they will starve.