Climbing back on the wagon

Spaced Cowboy

South Bay Reefer
... to which I've been paying lip-service to over the last several years. The tank has been maintained, the fish have been happy, regular water-changes (thanks Genesis!) and no algae problems etc., but it's been a FOWLR tank and it's time to make it into a reef tank...

Anyhoo - the tank is this one, and I've spent the last 4 weekends doing things like cleaning out the sludge in the sump, cleaning and repairing the equipment, that sort of thing.

Now, I've been taking PAR readings from the 4 Kessil pendants (Tuna Blue 360) hanging over the tank, and although they're fine for lighting fish, I'm getting readings of ~15 PAR at the sand ranging up to 200 or so at the top of the rock work. It seems to me this is a little low if I'm going to start adding corals :)

I had some old AI Hydra-52's but they're the non-HD variant, and I never had any success in controlling them using the Apex. So I'm in the market to look for some new lights to provide some punch at least most of the way down to the sand 30" below the water-level.

The obvious go-to is the HD-64's (maybe 3 of them as well as the kessils ?) because I think they can be controlled using the "iota"route in apex fusion. Given the debacle of the wireless control of the '52s though, I'd be happier with a wired connection.

So, any ideas or thoughts gratefully received...

Oh, and a big "hello" to anyone still around from 6 years ago or so :)
30" depth will be a stretch for many lights.
My Reefbreeder's claim it but not in my world.
Do your research. Mitras or Radion would be my guess for sticks.
That's the problem though :)

Kessils claim it too, but mine clearly don't do it. If your ReefBreeders claim it but don't do it as well, perhaps there's a theme developing ...

I was hoping to hear from someone whose lights both claimed it, and actually did it. Research is good (fun, even) but if the source material lies, then it's not wonderfully useful.
I emailed Kessil about the new lights, and they’re promising Apex control at some future time, but they don’t have a date. One of the requirements is that the Apex controls everything, so that’s not going to work. I did ask about the “N” version though (which I can’t find any actual reviews for about their PAR at depth). We’ll see.

One other option is the Hydra 64’s, which Apex fusion will control. I’ve found people talking about 48” deep tanks with the Hydra 52’s lighting them well, so my 29” (water to sand bed) ought to be fine.
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So I still haven't heard back from Kessil - I'm assuming that means they don't think the 'N' model would be suitable.

*update* Kessil did just get back to me. They said they were working hard to incorporate Apex compatibility into the A360X range, and also said they have a new light out (teased recently at reefbuilders apparently) which would be a great solution for a relatively deep aquarium

I did get an email from AI regarding the Hydra 64HDs: "At this time the Hydra 64HD is Bluetooth only. There is a WiFi module installed but it is not active. We will release a firmware update in the future to make it active. You may need to check with Neptune systems to see if it would be compatible"

And I spoke to one of the local guys and he mentioned the Sols (I have some of these) could be controlled directly by the Apex using the VDM moduie (I do not have this) and a special cable. So I think that'll be the first thing to investigate, once I confirm the Sols are still working - it's been years since I switched them on!
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