closed loop on 180 gallon...

The Saltman

New member
Hi guys,

I plan to use a closed loop with a manifold in the return for my primary tank circulation in my new 180 gallon RR tank. The manifold will have 8 returns. I plan on the tank being sps and clam dominated so flow needs to be a lot. I understand I will be losing a lot of head pressure since I'm running a lot of different outlets for returns. What kind of external pump would you recommend for this applicaton and what kind of GPH should I be looking at to provide this tank with adequate circulation for an sps dominated tank?

I appreciate your insights
How are you going to feed the pump for your closed loop? Are you drilling the tank and if so, what size bulkheads. It will make a difference how you size your pump.

For our 135 in-wall, we run a Sequence 4200SEQ12 tied to an Oceans Motions 4-way. I prefer a more random flow than the fixed flow you will get from your manifold.
I am in the same boat as dougchambers, I am running an O/M 4-way powered with a Dart pump on my 180. The ramdom flow it provides is great. I would also think that there is a lot less head pressure with the o/m versus the manifold. This would allow you to run a much more energy efficient pump.
The tank will not be drilled for the closed loop. I plan on having the returns over the lip of the back of the tank. Any ideas for this? I'm not familar in the oceans motions setup. Is it worth it? How does it work?
My 180 and my 92 both have Closed loops with Oceans Motions.. My 180 has a 8way with a Sequence Barracuda pump and my 92 has a 4 way with a Sequence Dart. Here is a LINK To Ocean Motions website. If you look in my Gallery I have some pictures of both my closed loops. I'm very happy with my OMs they work great.. And I agree with the above posts. I think random flow is Alot better then just constant flow. What ever way you go I'd take a look at Sequence pumps. I've been very happy with mine. I also know several others that use them with NP.