Closed loop pump


New member
I am going to do some closed loops on my new 150 and I would like to get everyones feedback and recommendations on pumps. I don't have a lot of money to spend on a pump so the cheaper the better.
For those up North, isn't there a pond shop or something in Ft.Collins that someone has purchased a pump from? I thought I remembered reading that a while back.
Does anyone have a pump for sale? Im probably going to do a closed loop for a spray bar and one for just water movement.
Well, Im not too sure yet. I'm new to "closed loops" so I need to do a little more research before I make a decision.
I wish I could draw you a diagram to better explain what I am hoping to accomplish.
Would it be possible to run everything off of one pump? i.e.- spray bar on the bottom of the tank and flow in-lets.
I am going to run this tank BB so what I am trying to accomplish is a lot of flow. I am going to run the spray bar along the back wall to keep detrius from building up along the bottom. I also am looking to drill some holes in the back of the acrylic to add some more flow without having to drop any more powerheads into the tank.
I hope that helps a little to explain what I am trying to do.
Sorry was at Crossroads today watching my daughters team get pasted. ugh. Although on the bright side, two of the opposing coaches came over and commented on her play which was quite an honor. Sorry gotta brag a bit. lol

Ok, topic at hand. Eric, please feel free to call me at 222-7628 or you are welcome to swing by and we can chat about closed loops. There are different flavors of them and we can chat about them and what best suits your needs and are comfy with.

I would suggest a dart given the size of your tank. Also, thanks to the kind comments it is appreciated. Big kisses for all when I see you next time.

$20?? He told me $50. Ive been getting ripped off! lol
Kip, when is a good time to meet up with you. I have to watch my 3 month old today so today may not work out. Anytime good during the week?
Chris, if you remember correctly, we changed that to a very large wet and sloppy smooch instead, since it felt it would have greater value than cold hard cash. :)

Eric, I will be gone shortly as I am heading to Crossroads again, but will be around later tomorrow afternoon, and the rest of the week. We are also having the new reefers meeting at the house next Saturday, where we will discuss closed loops in nauseating detail.

hehe I can see you celebrating with a big smile on your face.

Anytime during the week works. You are welcome to see the 600 gallon project at the office or come check out the current closed loop at the house. The new tank will have a total of four closed loops to power it.

I would be honored! I am usually home early afternoons during the week. Are you up in the fort? I thought I read that somewhere once.

my home is off the Windsor Exit and the office is at Harmony and Timberline.

Honor huh, my friend you are going to be sorely disappointed. :)

Give me a call at 222-7628 and we can arrange.

Disappointed to be in the presense of the "man, the myth, and the legend," I think not!
I just glanced at your gallery and you have my dream set-up. I cannot wait to see everything. I will give you a ring sometime this week. Thanks again!