cloudy water


Active member
since the lights turned on a few hours ago the tank is really cloudy and most of the fish seem to be breathing heavy ... any idea what may be causing this??? btw im doing a water change as i speak
Any number of things could have caused the cloudy water, but fish breathing heavy is a sign of low oxygen. In addition to the water change, I'd throw any spare powerheads, bubblers, etc. in and try to improve surface air exchange. Depleted O2 can be a real killer.
i lifted the return up a little so it breaks the surface and the water change seems to have helped a little ... guess ill just have to wait it out and hope for the best
I had the same thing happen. It turned out my clams spawned one night. I did a water change and ran the skimmer very wet. Cleared up in a couple hours.

It did cause the fish to breathe heavy as well.
Mike, like your fish, I breath heavy too when my clam spawns. By the way, I think Jeff B does too, but he won't admit it.
the water isnt cloudy anymore, the fish are back to normal but the corals didnt seem to open all the way up today.... tommorow the new skimmer arrives and to get it in ima have to empty the sump so i can move it over 6" to fit it in so thatll be a 30-40g water change there plus ill have the new skimmer running... hopefully things are back to normal soon