Clove won't open


New member
my clove has been in my tank a couple of weeks but only a few (less than half) of the polyps will/have open. It was full of flat worms which I removed but it doesn't seem to be recovering. All water parameters are normal. Any suggestions? Thanks
Are you referring to Clavularia species? Not the hardiest of coral, I believe there's more luck than skill in maintaining them. Good luck with it.

p.s. If there's hair algae in your tank, add a herbivore or omnivore that eats it.
I have a lawnmower blenny but he only eats from the rocks. The rocks are practically clean, the only HA is on the cloves...
how's the flow? my cloves have medium flow and they open up before the lights come on and stay open till lights off. try moving them to a different place and see if that helps. gl.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7624936#post7624936 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by glennb
Are you referring to Clavularia species? Not the hardiest of coral, I believe there's more luck than skill in maintaining them. Good luck with it.

p.s. If there's hair algae in your tank, add a herbivore or omnivore that eats it.

I second that. It also appears that they're VERY sensitive to being tampered, touched, moved or disturbed. Mine do fantastic - but if I accidentally touch them while cleaning the tank they close up for days at a time.