clown fish needs a buddy


I need some advice

I have a 13.5 gallon nano tank with 1 clown, 1 yellow watchman goby, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 small pistol shrimp.

filtration is 14 pounds of good live rock, live sand about 2.5 inches and chemi pure elite. I do 3 gal water changes every sat and change my chemi pure waaaaay more than I need to.

My clown is lonely and I wanted to get another fish.

question is what fish and is the tank size ok for another one

im nervous about another clown because they could fight or bond not sure I want to deal with the first.

what about something like a green chromis?

any suggestions
Fish don't get lonely unless they are some kind of schooling fish, and even that is different when they are placed into a VERY SMALL habitat (even the largest reefers on here have incredibly small habitats when you consider an open reef with essentially infinite water volume). That is a pretty small tank to up your livestock options. The watchman goby comes with a recommended minimum tank size of 30 gallons. IF you were to get your clownfish a buddy I'd try to bring the watchman back and I'd get a clown that is considerably smaller than your current clown. I didn't say considerably larger because you will want to up your tank to 20+ gallons for a clown pair when they approach their adult size. Adding a drastically different sized clown will reduce the stress that comes from the dominance establishment that will occur when the larger turns to a female and the smaller a male. If they are too close in size then they could battle for longer and may never bond at all. It is also possible that the two just won't pair up anyway. Such is nature. Some clownfish don't approve of arranged marriages either.
Ducati, no judgement from me. Sorry if it seemed that way. The fact that you are on here researching how to better care for your animals is commendable. It is the large pet stores that peddle these fish in droves to uneducated people with no capacity to provide even the most basic habitats for them that should be judged. Not people who have a plan to take good care of their pets. All the best.
I am with the other poster -- trade-in the watchman goby for another clown. I have 2 clowns and they seem inseparable. IMO, I really think clowns should be bought in pairs.

Every fish is tiny -- until they are NOT. They will get bigger and more aggressive and territorial in a short amount of time.
am with the other poster -- trade-in the watchman goby for another clown. I have 2 clowns and they seem inseparable. IMO, I really think clowns should be bought in pairs.

Every fish is tiny -- until they are NOT.
IThey will get bigger and more aggressive and territorial in a short amount of time.

Sounds like a girl I dated once
I too like Clowns as a pair, but I am not experienced in pairing them up myself. Our two were bought as a pair and are a very happy couple even if Tom does look a little henpecked at times (-:

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