clown hosting ??


New member
My clown has finally hosted, of course it is in zoas that I do not want him in. There is only about 16 polyps on it and they do not open up as full now, with the clown trying to move around on them. If I moved the zoas and put my frogspawn in that place will the clown look for the zoas or will it host in the frogspawn. Or should I just leave well enough alone.
Mine hosting a coral would be great to me. My stupid clown just hosts the top back corner of the tank, and hardy ever leaves the corner except to come out to eat at times. I am thinking of taking him out since he adds no enjoyment to the tank since you can't hardly see him back there, and is just adding bioload with no advantage for me. On the other hand, he is one of the first first that I ever had, and I have had him for 2-3 years, so he kinda feels like a member of the family.
Mine are like onereefs's They hang out in the lower back corner mostly. However, I can see that one is getting bigger and more dominant and the smaller one was dancing for her. So maybe things will change...
mine swims around like he has know idea about hosting anything!! Will a tank bred clown eventually host something??
if you swap the frogspqwn to where the zoas are they might go to the frogspawn.just don't let them follow the zoas to the new location. good luck.