Clownfish Breeding?


I think my clownfish are breeding. There is something down in the corner of the tank where they always stay that I believe are eggs. Nearly impossible to see because of the location. I have no intention of trying to raise them, but I'm pretty siked about the possibility of seeing them hatch. I suppose I'll be a bit disappointed if it turns out that their not eggs also.
Yes, they'll actually hatch, but will be fish food very shortly after. I don't really know about the black/orange mating.
If they are both ocellaris then they will mate. I have also heard of people saying that ocellaris and true perculas will mate.
Mine are Ocellaris. The eggs, or whatever they are, are in a spot where I can't get good eye on them. I don't know of anything else it would be and the clowns are definitely defending their area a little heavier than normal. I guess we'll know for sure soon enough.
The eggs are bright orange when they are first laid. Then they start getting darker. The day they are going to hatch, you will see the eyes of the little fishies turn a coppery color. That night when the lights go out, they will most likely hatch. If you put a flashlight at the top of the water/ turn all your pumps off, they will be attracted to the light...then you can scoop them up in a tupperware dish (or something similar). Put them in a separate tank with a weak air bubbler and start feeding them freshly hatched brine shrimp. Do a 1/2 tank water change every few days with tank water from your display, and you should have decent luck raising some. The first few batches, you will lose more than you raise, but with a little practice, you can get some free baby clowns to sell/trade/etc.