Clownfish Coloring?


New member
Will two "Onyx" Percs' offspring be "onyx" or are there outside factors that determine coloration? The same question for the black oc's and the No Bar Oc's? Also, any recommeded reading for a newb breeder beyond the basics (ie Wilkerson, Fautin & Allen, etc.)
Onyx x Onyx are very likely to produce onyx offspring, although I find that there needs to be something to trigger the black between the bars, i.e. a host nem.

Black A. ocellaris x Black A. ocellaris = 100% black A. ocellaris offspring.

Misbarring x Misbarred most of the time, but not always, will have more misbared offspring than normal barred x normal barred. There is a ton of genetics going on here, and it is far from straight forward as to what exactly that is.
Is inbreeding a problem as in other animals or not? Thanks for the info JHardman!
If I am not planning on having an anemone, then are the onyx a bad idea for breeding?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927230#post6927230 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NicoleC
Frank Hoff's book, definately!

I'll second that. I think I've just about worn my copy out since I've started building my own hatchery. Lot's of great information in there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6929253#post6929253 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jslomo420
Is inbreeding a problem as in other animals or not? Thanks for the info JHardman!
If I am not planning on having an anemone, then are the onyx a bad idea for breeding?

Inbreeding is really only a problem currently with black A. ocellaris since there has not been a fresh influx of genes in a few years after many years of inbreeding. ORA has the freshest line and do not seem to have the problems the other lines have.

The onyx do not need to be raised with a nem, just need to be exposed to one for a few weeks, so no problems.
Thanks from the cold north in Europe where there are a there days old occellaris eggs waiting to be raised! Without a nem!!
I got my clowns today and if they decide to breed should have some interesting color offspring. I got one Black Oc and one no bar Oc any thoughts? did i make a mistake?
got any pics? would love to see this combination. i have a True perc (avatar) and a black occ. pair and im curious to see what they will turn out to look like when they decide to breed.
I'm getting a camera tomorrow so i'll try to post pics then. They are both juv's so it's gonna be awhile if ever until I see what they might produce but they are both eating well and seem to be getting along. We'll see how long that lasts. They will be the only occupants of a 20g tank and I'm going to make a strong effort to breed them. This is my first try at this so wish me luck.