Club Meeting Nov. 19,2007


New member
This months meeting is at Newark Library Monday evening ,
11/19/2007 at 7:00 PM - 8:45PM. Possible discussion topics could be Tank Power consumption, costs and consequences, or maybe sump sizing and means to prevent overflows. or?? You choose.

See you there

I'll try to be there, but odds are I will be working tomorrow night, I won't know until today when I go in.
im coming. my 10 year old son who loves fish wants to come with me but i wasnt sure what the rules were? he is very respectful!!!
Definately no children.

Just kidding, last meeting I was at, I had to leave the room twice for diaper explosions. My little girl's, not mine.
We've had kids come before and I see no major problem with it. Just have to realize sometimes we get into deep discussions about chemistry, equipment, flow dynamics, light, stuff that might bore a little kid quickly and go right over his head. If he can sit on his hands and wait it's all good. Will be nice to see you there. That is if I make it before everyone leaves.

Luckily my meeting has been moved a little earlier, but I think that is because they plan on it running long. We will see.
Sorry Emo, Im gonna try and get the mailing list together on my puter, so i can send out notices too. But for the record, our meetings are usually on the 3rd monday of the month. remember that and check the forum for a post too.

I will endeavor to perservere to improve......