Club name


New member
A topic that has unanimously been agreed upon on more than one occasion, is that we need a "new" club name. I say new, because NMOK doesn't even exist and hasn't for a while. We just happen to have gathered in the most relevant forum, but we need to establish our own fresh identity.

For the next few days, I am opening up this thread to suggestions on a name for our club. We will then make a vote and then see if we can get a Mod to remodel our squatter home :P

Please post with club name suggestions.

The following ideas have been suggested as a starting point:

1) Desert Marine
2) NewMACS (New Mexico Aquarium & Coral Society)
3) Zia Reefers
4) ZAC (Zia Aquarium Club)
5) 505 Reef
WOW those are some awesome and very creative names ;.)
anything else cool we can think of just post it!!
Also the sooner we choose/change our name the sooner we can post info at stores (samples were left with gomer at the meeting and either usemore or I wil make them )
so far im gonna go with the NewMACS. it covers both areas of the saltwater hobby and its a society oooo can we have a secret handshake too lol.
Rivoth, I think the consensus is that many here want to change the name because
1. NMOK is here by defunct it no longer exists as far as who started it and being active in any way.
2. Most if not all of the former members are not present and most who are active now (if not at all are new comers to this forum) would like their "new start".
3. Most want to start fresh and not concern themselves with any "old politics" that affected the old NMOK Ie store wars,loyalty,etc..
SO I think the name isn't a issue it is the need to give the newcomers (to this forum) a good start and give the old-comers a fresh start..
thanks for ur feedback ANYONE have any other name ideas..come on!! ANY cool acro-nyms out there ???..
so would DESERT Marine club be DMC for short...???
I have some cool stuff I would like to do when we decide!!
1) Desert Marine
2) New Mexico Aquarium & Coral Society (NewMACS)
3) Zia Reefers
4) Zia Aquarium Club (ZAC)
5) 505 Reef
6) Desert Marine Club (DMC)
7) Reef Keeping Club Of Local Aquarists (RKCOLA
8) New Mexico Club Of Local Aquarists (NMCOLA)
9) Desert C.O.L.A. ( easy to figure out)
10) Or maybe D. C.O.L.A. (also Desert)
11) DM C.O.L.A. (Desert Marine etc)
12) Desert O.C.E.A.N. (Organised Creative Enthusiastic Aquarists Network)
13) N.M. O.C.E.A.N. (New Mexico)
14) DM O.C.E.A.N. ( Desert Marine)

There the updated list with thanks to the PM's I got for the ideas :-D
Brew over the list.

Since there is a lot of them, we'll first do a run-off vote to cut the list down to top 3-5 (depending on how the vote distribution works out). That vote will be Friday-Sunday and I'll start the thread on it. Voting will be public (people post their vote to thread) so that we can track who wants what. This way we keep votes to those who we know are actually actively trying to be part of the club.

Then we'll open up the final (round 2) vote off of the top names next week., and make a motion for the name "change" or "inception."
If someone can fill in for the Acronym, some late comers to the game are



NM DMAC (New Mexico Desert Marine Club)
Looks like the name thing is figured anyone in NM have any good lights for sale.....looking to get my 225 up and running. Anyone have any fixtures or retros they want to offload?
I like Desert Marine out of the ones listed. Or Albuquerque Marine??? How do you become an official member? I would like to join.