

Premium Member
Based on some of the thoughts posted... I would like to join a group for my own benifit as well as the clubs... So with that being said... Reefer looking for club in NE PA... please PM with specifics. Thanks.
i have a question ? im new to this reefcentral , and i was wondering what benefits excactly are you lookin for when you join a group or club?i hang out in reefnest, come chill with us, we need more people to hang out there....
There seems to be some confusion.. I'm not looking to start a club, I'm looking to join a club. NCPARS is pretty much the only club I see here in PA. I'm looking for a club that is more in my neck of the woods so to speak. One that is active and realisticaly close to me so I can attend events. I wasn't sure if there were any others, but thought I would ask and if someone knew of one they could shoot me a PM.

Spoon25: I'm not 100% sure, but I want to find out what they are. ;) I guess I hoping there is something more.. the next level so to speak.

eastonreef: It seems there is a void... maybe it will get filled.
yes we are a "traveling club"rangeing from the lehigh valley to the penn state campus area for having swaps.

there are about 5-6 clubs in pa that i have heard of some active some not so active.other then ncpars there is parc(philly), pmas (pittsburg),sv-sea,reefnest (williamsport) and some smaller unknowns
we are fairly close to you, and would always welcome newcomers, we need more people to come and help entertain , and bring there kids we have lots of discussions, and free frag drawings, and someone there tests water, its fun to hang out fo rthe day and meet people , but i think we are fairlyu close to you for a monthly meeting which is at the same place every month, in williamsport, which if you live near wilkes barre, i mean its an hour drive, but you get to meet new people, i am sending a link with lots of pics of our meeting, keep in mind we had to get a place we had 2 days to find one, so alot of people didnt show....but alot of people did...from the link you can see the bags of maco&critters, and frags to equipment, just people bring to raffle of, i am tryin to bring some tangs to get rid of, and other filters and stuff, it just collects dust around the house...but y0our welcome to come to reefnest forum @ this link
reefnest and then the photos of first monthly meeting at the YWCA link is here
March 5th Pics~feel free to add