Color change


New member
I'm looking to some how get my sps corals to change color, or to have a different color. Is this possible? I only know that these corals I have are told to me to be tri-color spa corals. Not sure what that means. uploadfromtaptalk1445799378840.jpg
That looks horribly bleached or is just new skeleton. Hopefully just a bad pic.

if it was identified as a tri-color (valida? looks like it or similar.) it should at least have some green and blue/purple near the tips. I see nothing as far as color goes. What color was it when you got it and how long has it looked like that?

(EDIT: So I just looked at your profile that you have been doing the for many years, I would assume you know what a newly dead coral looks like. Did you buy it that size or grow it yourself?)
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It has grown to that size. All of the pieces in my tank are the same way/color. It does have blue tips as do the rest of them as well.
It had always been that same color since I purchased it years ago. Even when I used metal halide lights, it was that color. Now I'm using LED lights and the color remains the same, only change is increased growth rate.
It had always been that same color since I purchased it years ago. Even when I used metal halide lights, it was that color. Now I'm using LED lights and the color remains the same, only change is increased growth rate.

First, attitude will get you nowhere. Second, the SPS forum is a much better place to post this thread instead of the Coral Propagation forum. Third, try amino acids if your water is too clean, turning the white LED's down and the blues up to 100%, or posting all of your parameters so people know what's going on with your water. Also when people ask what lights you're using it's probably a better idea to answer the question instead of re-quoting stuff that doesn't apply since it makes people much less motivated to help you.