Color temperatures in reef lighting


New member
What color temperature of bulbs give coral the best growth? Does it profit the aquarist to have many different color temperature bulbs over the tank, allowing diffetent colors of light for the different types of chlorophyl (like would be possible in a T5 setup)?

What I really don't understand is where the line is drawn between practicality and and aesthetics. Is aesthetics the only reason aquarists opt for 50/50 lighting setups? Any input on this topic would be appreciated.
Based on what I've been reading on RC, I upgraded to Tek light T5s which has the individual relectors, which is very important for growth and cosmetics. I believe that the 11000K Aquablue T5 bulb is the best bulb for growth and the Blue+ are the best for your corals looking great cosmetically. These Blue+ bulbs are also what is use to obtain the sunrise & sunset effect.