Common Sump (2 tanks)


New member
So, I will have 2 tanks - reef and fish only from a common sump set-up (or that is my plan). I will have a 280 gallon peninsula in the family room (mixed reef) and a 300 gallon in the basement (fish only). Both tanks will be "fed" from a basement room with a large sump.

I was thinking the more water the better, but is this a problem from dosing, etc. I was just thinking the in fish-only, I wouldn't stock it with corals and have non-reef fish in it and they would basically pick the rock clean?

Maintaining water quality might be an issue and cost more to dose. Reef you'll want cleaner and right parameters. Fish only tend to not be as demanding but they most likely will have more waste. Causing your reef to possibly suffer.

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I think you’re better off just doing two smaller sumps instead of one big one. I don’t really see anything but negatives to having one. Any disease outbreaks could wipe out both tanks instead of one. I assume you qt which would obviously lessen that possibility but it’s still possible.