complete disaster


New member
came home and found my 29 gal sps nano cloudy , looked at at the temp and it was a 97 deg, so far i lost 50% of my sps my micromussia is about gone and my orange crush acan and green aussie acan are not to happy looking, all fish dead snails and crabs survived along with my rare zoas and pallys. culprit was that the power must have flickered and my blueline heater controller set its self to 119 deg
Jim, that sucks. I have noticed my Blueline resets it self when the power blinks buy usually to the cold side. I guess that is better.

If you need some frags to restock just holler!
dang I know the feeling I had a heater go bad in my sump and messed some things up as well so i feel your pain
That's sucks. Sorry to hear. That's messed up if a heater resets during a power blink. Hope The tank recovers.
That are in good company as many of us have been bitten by a bad heater at one time or another....
Sorry for the loss. When and if you rebuild it definitely consider a reef controller of some sort. Mine has already saved me from a failed heater, a kalkwasser slurry PH spike, failed pump, etc.

Definitely not trying to give insult to injury. Just a suggestion to avoid that lump in your gut in the future.
it was the controller that reset unfortunately ,norm during a power blink they reset to 77 deg but this time it reset to 119 deg , any way came home and lost a total of 15 sps colonies , there are about 3 left that don't look so hot but mite make it orange crush acan may recover has not lost much tissue but a few small places i can see crowns poking thru , green acan not looking good , Jason fox orange eye rodunaforia acan looks hopeful , purple/green blasto is a goner , my favorite fruitloop micromussia dead , my dursa clam surprisingly made it and looks great , 3 fish that i had are gone purple firefish , tiger goby and redhead goby, all snails and crabs made it . as for restarting the system ill do a 100% waterchange and start a cycle this weekend