Conch versus Tridacna/Hippopus clams


Team RC
A couple years ago I lost 3 nice clams (two squamosa, one derasa), all of which were 7-9" long. I really like the giant clams, and while bummed, couldnt really find a reason to have lost them. I assumed there was a predator in the tank, either a fish at night bothering them, or some sort of disease, so I went a couple years without any clams in the system.

During my clam hiatus, I set up a tank to grow mangrove trees as a refugium to the main display. I had bought a trio of conchs (though I can't remember the timing, nor am I sure of the species... they are about 3" long at this point), and one of them I eventually moved into the mangrove tank. In the last few months, I've added a few clams to this tank. Last week I got a pair of hippopus clams, and while I know they don't open as large as the tridanca species, I wanted to give them a try. Twice now, I've found the conch harassing the new clams. I want to assume that it was simply looking for was on the shell of the clam, but at one point it was almost under the hippopus and the clam wasn't opening up. I moved the conch yesterday, and today the clams seem pretty normal.

Thoughts? Is there any documented issues with these two inverts not being compatible? Hoping not, but I will say the clams are more interesting to me than the conch.
Here's a shot of the clams and tank set up to get an idea of the housing. The white balance is a bit off, but I feel it's a good set up for the 2 derasa, 2 hippopus, and 1 maxima I've got in there right now. They're all on the smaller side.

