Concrete floor and 200 gallons?


New member
Hi Everyone

I am renting on the 27th floor of my condo. I have a tank (48" x 30" x 26") and stand ready to go. Stand foot print is 49" x 31.5 It will be about 180 to 200 gallon max with sump. The floors are concrete - I assume reinforced as it is a highrise apartment of 1.5 years old.

I did some researching in the past before getting the tank and came up with info on a two threads that said I would be ok with the weight on my floors (cant find them again sorry).

I plan to have one end of the tank close to the wall as in the pic below so that you can walk around the front, side and back of the tank. There will be the chiller between tank and wall.

However, some friends have decided to freak me out with notions of my tank crashing through floors. Can anyone advise me on this matter. I live in Thailand and getting good information from building management here almost require giving them a brain transplant and then the info is not always reliable.



I had a 220 plus 100 gallon sump on a concrete floor condo for 2 years with no problem.
Just make sure it is really concrete and, if you can, how thick.
Thanks Guys

It is concrete; I just put my camera into the crawl space in my ceiling. I will try to check how thick.

Will it matter where I place the tank if it is concrete?



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Im not sure about the floor but that tank is going to be SICK!
Who built it? Can you tell us more about your overflow design?
Hi FishyBiz

The cabinet was built locally here in Bangkok by TK Aquarium Stands. They did an ok job, while not following the design completely.

Cabinet design is by Marlon who posted this design on the Modern Reef Aquariums thread a while back and who kindly gave me permission to use his design.

The overflow is a 1500 gph model from Glass-holes.comand will have two 1.5 inch returns with a ReeFlo Snapper valved back.

The tank build was a bit of an ordeal. I organised the Diamant glass with the factory myself (about US$800) and got a local company to build it at my apartment for US$90. I imported the Perennator silicon from the USA.

I will post a tank thread tomorrow morning.. My thread on the Siam Reef Club forum is at
